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Qui la presentazione relativa al “Turismo delle Radici”, comprensiva di collegamento a un video informativo sulla valorizzazione dei borghi d’Italia ( ): Il turismo, tra i sei macro-obiettivi della ripresa (“turismo, arte e cultura come brand del paese”) contribuisce alla crescita sostenibile delle realta’ regionali meno interessate dai tradizionali flussi turistici attraverso la mobilitazione delle risorse per la preservazione del patrimonio immobiliare, storico e culturale del nostro Paese.


nuovi positivi 3

New positive cases in Italy

ITALY has opened its borders since June 3rd, 2020 to European Union Member States, including Denmark, and mandatory quarantine for visitors have been lifted.
The UN Secretary General says tourism could be used as a platform for overcoming the effects of Covid-19. “Tourism can promote solidarity and trust – crucial ingredients in advancing the global co-operation that is so urgently needed at this time,” Antonio Guterres said. Previous research by the UN’s tourism arm suggests that up to 120 million tourism jobs could be at risk.
In a recent report, the United Nations’ World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) found that 75% of “all destinations worldwide” had completely closed their borders to international tourism, some still had some form of travel restrictions in place, although some are easing.
Based on encouraging data, Italy is now open to admire its beautiful landscapes, cities, art, food, culture, beaches on Mediterranean Sea and much more.
From June 3, people entering or returning to Italy from these countries (EU+ Schengen+UK) will no longer be subjected to health surveillance and fiduciary isolation for 14 days,

How to keep it safe:
Guidance Standards for Hospitality Reopening
These technical information sheets contain operational guidelines applying to individual business sectors designed to supply a clear summary of the general prevention and containment measures required to support a return to business compatible with client and employee health safeguards.
Specifically, each sheet comprises the various scientific prevention and containment recommendations designed to stop the virus spreading including: behavioral norms, social distancing and contact tracing.